Re-Inventing Middleware for Zero-Touch Automation & the New OSS

Tuesday, February 20th at 11:00 AM Eastern Time (8:00 Pacific Time, 16:00 GMT)

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Design of next-generation virtualized networks for the digital service provider has largely stalled as telcos struggle with the complexity of the task before them. Conventional approaches don’t support key strategic objectives (service velocity, DevOps automation and business agility). The degree of hard-code and manual integration to make anything work at all is not scalable; initial solutions are simply too static and bloated to be practical. CSP transformation initiatives are in desperate need of technological innovation. The industry requires new “middleware” between the products and user experiences they want to deliver and the underlying applications, services, resources and processes that fulfill them.

In our webinar, we’ll interview Dave Duggal, founder and CEO of EnterpriseWeb, which ran ETSI NFV PoC #1, “CloudNFV,” led six award-winning TMF Catalyst projects demonstrating advanced standards-based use cases and recently won “Best NFV Interoperability” at Layer 123’s SDN & NFV World Congress. The company’s suite of cloud-native products provide for secure, scalable, zero-touch operations with policy-based management.

The webinar will feature a product demonstration showing how customers using EnterpriseWeb can onboard any heterogeneous VNF or PNF, compose them into any arbitrary network service, and deploy them with any diverse target environment (multi-VNFM, multi-cloud, multi-VIM) – with no hard-coding or manual integration! The demo will go on to show how their software dynamically responds to events and how services can be reconfigured using simply metadata.