EnterpriseWeb founder & CEO, Dave Duggal, will be giving a talk on Friday, May 6th at the Knowledge Graph Conference (KGC22). The title of the talk is “Graph-driven Orchestration for Digital Business Transformation”.
Dave has pioneered the use of graphs to model behavior, as well as data in order to support agile integration & automation across applications, services, cloud hosts, networks and physical devices. The talk will cover distributed systems challenges and how graphs are a natural fit for a next generation application platform. Specifically, a reference implementation will be presented to describe how graphs are driving intelligent orchestration and enabling the Digital Business.
Interested individuals can use the company’s sponsor code ENT50 to receive 50% off VIP registration for the event.
You can watch a reply of the presentation here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8skOK8c-Oc