EnterpriseWeb®, a New York based software company that offers an intelligent orchestration platform for intent-based network and service management, won a prestigious Telecom industry award from Light Reading. The company was named “Outstanding Digital Enablement Vendor”.
Light Reading announced the awards online in a dramatic video presentation. The Leading Lights is Light Reading’s flagship awards program, returning for its 18th year to recognize the industry’s top companies and their executives for outstanding achievements in next-generation communications technology, applications, services, strategies and innovation.
The website indicates that the Outstanding Digital Enablement Vendor is awarded to the next-generation OSS/BSS/CX, analytics or digital commerce systems vendor that stands out from its competitors, innovates constantly and helps set industry trends.
In response to the award, Dave Duggal, founder and CEO of EnterpriseWeb, said “Thanks to Light Reading, all the judges and our partners that have collaborated with us on the Intel 5G testbed.”
EnterpriseWeb is leading a multi-vendor Intel testbed project that shows how autonomous networking capabilities can deliver both optimized performance and energy efficiency for scalable and sustainable 5G RAN networks. The testbed partners include Intel, Red Hat, Fortinet, Keysight, KX and Tech Mahindra. The team chose an SD-WAN and User-Plane security use-case given the widespread interest in securing edge networks. In public presentations, the group has demonstrated optimized processing of secure packets while significantly reducing solution footprint and energy consumption.